Recent Studies on Benefits of Omega-3 - 2021

Recent Studies on Omega-3 I guess you'll agree with me if I say: Being healthy is a lifestyle. But how? The food you eat can be either the best medicine or the slowest form of poison. In this post, you will read the science-based health benefits of omega-3 with specific studies. COVID‐19 and Associated Dyslipidemia & Omega-3 COVID‐19 is being studied by researchers all over the world. In this context adjunctive therapies are being studied, too. In the first study COVID‐19 and associated dyslipidemia in other words implications for the mechanism of impaired resolution and novel therapeutic approaches are studied. Dyslipidemia is such a problem that an abnormal amount of lipids (like triglycerides, cholesterol, and/or fat phospholipids) in the blood. In developed countries, dyslipidemias are caused generally by hyperlipidemias; which is an elevation of lipids in the blood. It was researched the role of omega‐3 fatty acids in generating specialized pro-resolving mediators a...